Transformation of SA / C.xA. (Corporation / Company by shares) to an LLC (Limited Liability Company)

As of the definitive implementation of the law 479-08 and 31-11 on corporations and limited liability companies owned by one person, the old corporations or joint stock companies have been disabled.

This means for any company formed before the new regulations, that it has to be transformed or adapted to new regulations to be able to perform acts of commerce.

The new law provides 8 different types of commercial companies:

  • Limited liability companies (SRL)

  • Limited liability companies with sole owner (EIRL)

  • Corporations (SA)

  • Simple Joint-Stock Corporations (SAS)

  • Ordinary Limited Partnerships

  • Private Limited Partnership

  • Association Limited by Shares

  • Partnership under Civil Code

As most of companies of our clients will not apply in the Dominican stock market or are simply guardians of property (Holding) without operations, the transformation to a limited liability company (SRL) or limited liability individual enterprise (EIRL) is recommended.

The limited liability company is characterized by the following:

  • From 2 to 50 partners

  • Day-to-day decisions are possible via email or fax

  • One or several managers

  • Minimum Capital RD$ 100,000 that must be fully subscribed

  • Legal personality different from the partners and therefore

  • Limited liability of partners to their contribution to the social capital

If you have a company since or before 2009 and want to upgrade, or perform any operation as a purchase or sale of goods or Real-Estate, register assemblies etc., please contact for advice!


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